
[ASH2010]Amlodipine:An Attractive partner---- Dr.Myra Klienpeter专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/5/21 12:44:00


<International Circulation>: The use of beta blockers appears to increase the risk of diabetes, but it can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. So what is the role of beta blockers in hypertensive therapy?

    Myra Klienpeter:我想,对于β受体阻滞剂的应用,我们还不能那样讲。因为该试验允许医生运用自己的最佳临床判断来治疗患者。如果你看该试验的附录,就会发现医生可以使用所有的降压药物。大多数受试者应用了ACEI或ARB。应用β受体阻滞剂的患者也不在少数。但是,普通糖尿病人群的情况到底如何,我不是太确定。

   <International Circulation>: The use of beta blockers appears to increase the risk of diabetes, but it can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. So what is the role of beta blockers in hypertensive therapy?

    Dr Myra Klienpeter:  I am not able to make that comment about the beta blocker use because this trial allowed clinicians to use their best possible judgement and if you look at the appendix of the trial it will tell you the rights of use of all those medications: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers were used by in large on most patients who were on the trial. There was a large degree of beta blocker use but I am not certain in terms of the general population of diabetic patients 

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Myra KlienpeterASH2010

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