
[GWICC2010]冠脉易损斑块的鉴别—— Eckart Fleck教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/10/19 13:51:19



    <International Circulation>:  Concerning patients with vulnerable plaques how can you differentiate those patients who are more suitable for drug therapy or intervention?
    Prof Eckhart Fleck: Momentarily I cannot give you a definite answer on that .I think if we see small plaques then I think we can treat that medically with statins. Experimentally, we can see that there is regression of the plaque and so one should monitor the progress of drug therapy and not do too much intervention in this area. However, one has to do intervention when there is a very thin fibrous cap or when it is already ruptured.

    <International Circulation>:  There is experimental data which showed that aggressive statin therapy not only can stabilize the plaque but can also regress it. Could you please provide a comment on this?
    Prof Eckhart Fleck: There is good data that drugs that can interfere with the growth of cells such as smooth muscle cells. This can be achieved by ACE inhibitors and all types of statins. There is also good data that they can reduce the atherosclerotic process and this type of growth reduction is what we are aiming at when we are treating patients with vulnerable plaques. 

    Professor Eckhart Fleck serves as the Director of Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the German Heart Institute Berlin and was an invited speaker at the Great Wall International Meeting of Cardiology.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张衡

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