Thomas Dewland 美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山医学院内科学
<International Circulation>: Could you please briefly give an explanation of the case you presented today?
Prof. Thomas Dewland: We presented a case of a 30 year old man who presented to our hospital with new onset heart failure in the setting of severe fevers and a history of lymphoproliferative disorder. The diagnosis seemed evident upon his initial presentation and he was treated for what ended up being myocarditis. Because of his classic presentation for myocarditis, his young age, and lack of risk factors for coronary disease, the familiar diagnosis of coronary artery disease was overlooked in this patient with potentially deleterious effects.
<International Circulation>: Can you explain a bit more about the autoimmune disorder? I think some people may not be very familiar with it.
Prof. Thomas Dewland: Yes, this patient’s fundamental disorder is a lymphoproliferative disorder, ALPS or autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome. It is a disease that causes impairment in apoptosis of B and T cells resulting in the manifestation of autoimmune disease, hemolytic anemia, and idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP).
<International Circulation>: What would you say is the message that you want other doctors to take home from your case presentation?
Prof. Thomas Dewland: The final message is that the clinical cardiologist needs to remember the common causes to common diseases and these should always be excluded first, especially when rare diagnoses are being considered. In our case we were so fixated on what seemed to be the apparent, or perhaps rare, diagnosis of formative myocarditis in a patient with a lot of risk factors for it that the common disease of coronary artery disease was overlooked.
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