
国际循环 2012/8/28 16:22:09

  <International Circulation>: at the ESC 2012 with Professor Pocock.  Composite endpoints are widely used in clinical trials at present.  What are the major drawbacks of composite endpoints and how can we improve the usage of these composite endpoints?
Professor Pocock :We need composite endpoints because looking at a single endpoint such as cardiovascular death, we may not have enough power, not enough events to come to reliable conclusions.  So we choose a composite of several events such as cardiac event, myocardial infarction, or stroke to combine the evidence to get enough power to look at treatment differences.  The main problem is that composite endpoints vary in their clinical importance.  Obviously a cardiac death is worse than a non-fatal myocardial infarction for the patient.  So that is the first problem, you are comparing events of unequal importance.  Secondlarythe treatment effects may differ in the different components, so you might have a big effect on myocardial infarction but an opposite effect on stroke and so you must avoid coming to na?ve conclusions when you are looking at a composite.

  Professor Pocock : Additionally, repeat events with an individual are ignored in a composite analysis because typically all you look at is the time to first event.  So if an individuals has had recurrent hospitalizations for example, these will be ignored in a composite analysis.


<International Circulation>: what are some major problems in the design of of randomized clinical trials for cardiovascular diseases?
Professor Pocock: You mean in general?  Well that is a big question. The key issues are always to decide which patients you are studying and exactly what the treatment comparison is going to be and what are the outcome measures you are going to study.  And then to do the trial with sufficient quality; so there are no biases in the issues of comparison, issues with randomization and blinding.  And the fifth issue is we need to make the trial big enough with long enough follow up so you get reliable conclusions.  Now iI could pick away at each of those items, which would I pick?  The biggest problem historically is that trials were not big enough with sufficient follow up, I think that is one of the things.  I think I would stick at that one as the single big statistical item that needs most improvement.


<International Circulation>: What is your opinion on studies using surrogate endpoints for cardiovascular diseases and how would you estimate the correlation between surrogate endpoints and hard endpoints?
Professor Pocock: Yes for surrogate endpoints, we used to rely on them much more in trials of cardiovascular diseases.  For instance to show that an antihypertensive agent could be licensed, all you had to show historically that it lowered blood pressure.  You did not have to show that it reduced the risk of stroke or myocardial infarction.  In heart failure drugs used to be improved without looking at the hard endpoints of hospitalization and mortality, so I think we have learned not to trust surrogate endpoints now in deciding whether a new drug treatment or new device should be brought on to the market.  I think we have some stories where the surrogate endpoint has not matched well to the serious clinical endpoints.  I can remember one clinical trial of a drug called Moxonidine, which the surrogate endpoint was norepinephrine level change was staggeringly wonderful but the drug actually caused an increase in mortality when it was tried out in a major trial. So your second part was about how we look at the relationship between the surrogate endpoint and the hard endpoint, you can only really get to that in a trial when you are doing the trial with the hard endpoint.  I suppose you could also study observational data on the link between surrogates and hard endpoints.  Technically it is not difficult to do you just need quality databases in either observational studies, registries, or in trials to provide that.  So it is important to do that.


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