

Microparticles in Hypertension: an Update

作者:国际循环网   日期:2012/11/27 16:26:23



  Dylan Burger ,Rhian M Touyz      加拿大渥太华大学    英国格拉斯哥大学
  Originally described as inert "cellular dust,"  cell membrane-derived microparticles are now considered as biomarkers of disease as well as vectors to transfer biological messages between cells. Microparticles (MP) are extracellular vesicles that are formed by outward directed blebbing of the cell membrane and are produced in response to cell stresses, including apoptosis and cell stimulation. Circulating levels of MPs are increased in cardiovascular disease associated with inflammation and endothelial dysfunction and as such have been considered as biomarkers of disease.  In plasma samples, microparticles of endothelial, platelet, erythrocyte, and leukocyte origin can be detected and levels are correlated with measures of endothelial dysfunction. In diabetes, pulmonary hypertension and end-stage kidney disease, MPs have been reported to predict risk of future adverse cardiovascular events, although this has yet to be confirmed in hypertensive patients.
  Amongst the various MP populations, endothelial MPs are most consistently reported to increase in both experimental models and in patients with cardiovascular disease.  Elevations in platelet, monocyte, and erythrocyte-derived MPs have also been observed and may reflect an underlying pro-coagulant, pro-inflammatory state.  Our laboratory has reported that angiotensin II-infused mice exhibit significant increases in endothelial and total MPs. Similarly, aldosterone-salt treatment has been reported to increase total, endothelial, platelet, and erythrocyte-derived MPs. Clinically, endothelial, monocyte, and platelet-derived MPs have been found to be increased in hypertensive patients and this increase may be attenuated with antihypertensive therapy.
  An emerging concept in MP biology is the potential for MPs to act as molecular signals and regulators of biological events. For example, we have reported that MPs can act on endothelial cells to promote oxidative stress, inflammation, and senescence. MPs of various origins have also been reported to promote apoptosis, impair angiogenesis, impair vasorelaxation, and promote coagulation. Of note, increases in phosphatidylserine-positive MPs in patients with essential hypertension has been implicated in the perpetuation of a prothrombotic state.
  In summary, MPs are both markers of and active players in endothelial injury and may contribute to the progressive decline in vascular health seen in hypertension. Although an exciting area of research, there are still many unanswered questions with regards to MPs and hypertension. Firstly, it is unclear whether elevations in MPs in hypertensive patients predict future cardiovascular risk as they do in other populations. Secondly, it is unclear to what extent MPs contribute to progressive vascular dysfunction in vivo and whether this process may be exploited therapeutically.  Finally, whether specific phenotypic changes may occur to MPs during the development of hypertension is not known. If such changes do occur it may be that the true utility of MPs as biomarkers lies in providing a snapshot of underlying cellular and molecular processes.  Such information could prove invaluable in directing therapeutic and diagnostic decisions.

版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张衡


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