
国际循环 2014/10/17 17:08:23

  International Circulation: Here is Miss Haag, and we have four questions today, let’s start now. The first question is that in recent years, what cooperation have AHA done with China in resuscitation, patient quality, community first aid and CPR training? What about its achievements?


  Jo Haag: We started our first true initiative in 2006. We have worked to establish more than a hundred training centers in China. We also have other partners, but it is all about the introduction and translation of our basic and our advanced course materials to initiate training for medical professionals and for community members.

  Jo Haag:AHA与中国的首次真正合作始于2006年,经过多年的努力目前已经在中国设立了100多家培训中心。同时,我们还有其他合作伙伴,所有合作都是围绕引进和翻译我们的基础及先进教材进而对医务人员及社区居民进行相关培训而展开的。

  International Circulation: As an authority for cardiovascular emergency, AHA has set up training centers in China. Would you please talk about the progress and achievement of AHA resuscitation education / development program in China?


  Jo Haag: We have been working with colleagues in China for almost ten years now and have grown from there being no training affiliated with AHA to well over one hundred hospitals and facilities that are part of our training network. They are in agreement and work with us to provide AHA training using our materials and maintaining our quality standards to further our mission of saving lives.

  Jo Haag:我们与中国同道已经合作了近十年,从原来没有AHA下属培训发展到现在已经有100多家医院参与到了AHA培训网络体系中来。这些医院与我们共同努力,一起致力于应用AHA教材提供AHA培训、确保救治质量,践行挽救生命之使命。

  International Circulation: What exciting contents will the AHA Emergency Cardiovascular Care Life Support Training Workshop in this conference provide for the anticipants?


  Jo Haag: We have multiple workshops that we will be doing in ECC (emergency cardiovascular care), the field that I work in. In the ACLS section, we will be concentrating on quality CPR, which is the foundation of all resuscitation, and doing some fun things with teamwork where we will time small groups performing tasks to see if they improve. In ACLS, we will again be talking about the quality of CPR but also looking at our advanced algorithms and doing some mock resuscitation demonstrations as teams.

  Jo Haag:我们设立了多个有关心血管急救(ECC)的培训工坊。其中,BLS专场将聚焦所有复苏的基础——CPR质量问题,并设立有非常有趣旨在评估团队工作是否有所改善的实际操作环节。在ACLS专场将再次探讨CPR质量问题,并聚焦AHA的一些先进救治流程,并以小组为单位进行复苏模拟演示。

  International Circulation: How do you think about the prospects and space for the cooperation between AHA and China in the field of cardiovascular emergency?


  Jo Haag: There are many things that are happening as a result of our initial programs in resuscitation. We are working to grow that training base to train more instructors, provide more support and incorporating the experts here in many of our discussions as we consider new science and changes in science. Other areas in the AHA are also working here in China with other quality initiatives in developing guidelines and other prospects. So I only see AHA’s cooperation and work with our Chinese colleagues growing and at a very rapid pace as it has over the last few years.

  Jo Haag:我们一开始进行的复苏项目已经取得了很多成果。随着新学科出现及科学理念变化,我们正在努力扩大培训基地,以培养更多的教师,提供更多的支持,并让专家们参与到我们的更多讨论中来。AHA在其他领域也与中国合作开展了一些质量倡议项目来制定指南和进行其他方面的合作。我认为,与过去几年一样,未来AHA与中国同道的合作仍有很大的发展空间,合作步伐也将不断加快。

  International Circulation: Can you tell me more about your feelings on attending the Great Wall Congress?


  Jo Haag: This is my third Great Wall conference in four years (I wasn’t able to be here last year). I am always impressed by the enthusiasm and eagerness of the participants because we have always done hands-on workshops. There has never been a lack of people wanting to attend and wanting to be part of that. I am also recognizing members of the Great Wall leadership and its participants and it is always good to see familiar faces and saying hello again.

  Jo Haag:这是我四年来第三次参加长城会,只有去年没有参加。我们在长城会上一直设有培训工坊,所以一直以来我都对与会者的热情及对知识的渴望印象深刻,因为我们的培训工坊从来不缺乏参与者。此外,参加长城会使我认识的长城会组委会成员及参会者再次见面并予以问候。

